Find the 2 and you will be kissed tomorrow. 555...,
Keith Allyn Spencer
Photography by Chandler Abbey
Photography by Chandler Abbey
Past Event
and other human factors02.23.2019
In a city where bodies gain autonomy through their connection to their cars, we present a series of works that examine how we project identity, thoughts, and emotions through moving vehicles.
Sexual Activities
D O Y O U W A N T T O F E E L G O O D ?06.15.2019
An outdoor interactive media exhibition that playfully and thoughtfully expressing ideas of sexual identity, representation, and self-discovery.
Upcoming Event
The Flyby of Comets:
Ready to Board04.04.2020 X Rescheduled due to COVID-19 X
Through the lens of an airport layover that never ends, The Flyby of Comets: Ready to Board explores themes of transition, patterns of migration, and what it means to be temporary.